About North Star

North Star Township was previously part of Normanna Township. Citizens interested in having a local Fire Department founded North Star Township in 1985. A 6 mile by 6 mile area within the Cloquet River Valley, the Township now supports an active Fire and Emergency Response Department, a road, recycling, and government services such as property valuation and elections.

North Star Township Basics Handout

Map of North Star Township

North Star Township is governed by a Board of three Supervisors, consisting of town residents and each serving 3-year terms. Township staff include a Clerk, Treasurer, Custodian and Recycling Operator, appointed by the Town Board. The Fire Chief and Assistant Fire Chief are elected by members of the Fire and Emergency Department. Here is a link to the North Star Organization Chart https://www.northstarmn.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/OrgChart2020-rev3-1.pdf

2021 Township Supervisors and Staff

  • Janet Keough, Supervisor (Recycling) 2022-2025
  • Gary Mantay, Supervisor (Road, Fire/EMS) 2023- 2026
  • Rod Saline, Supervisor (Building Maintenance) 2024 – 2027
  • Ellen Hanson, Clerk
  • Sue Forbragd, Deputy Clerk
  • Donna Elsbury, Treasurer
  • Ray Barnes, Deputy Treasurer
  • Bill Taft, Recycling Operator
  • Sue Forbragd, Custodian

Mike Siers, Fire Chief

Rory Blazevic, Deputy Fire Chief

To contact North Star Supervisors or Staff go to the Contact section of the website https://www.northstarmn.net/contact/

Town Board meetings are regularly scheduled on the third Tuesday of each month (except when those dates occur on federal or state holidays) at 6:30pm at the North Star Town Hall, 7700 Pequaywan Lake Road (Hwy 44), Duluth MN. Residents are invited to attend board meetings – see the calendar. Residents also vote on the upcoming year township tax levy at the Annual Town Meeting held in March. Approved minutes of all meetings will be published on this website.

The main business of North Star township consists of

  • Maintenance of East and West Briar Lake Road
  • Operation of a volunteer Fire and Emergency Response Department
  • In conjunction with St Louis County, the assessment and valuation of property within the township for purposes of taxation
  • Supervision and administration of elections for local, county, state and federal elections
  • Funded by the Western Lake Superior Sanitary District, recycling of paper, plastic, metal, cardboard, and film plastic
  • Maintenance of the North Star Town Hall facility

Minnesota Association of Townships

North Star Township is a member of Minnesota Association of Townships, a nonprofit organization that provides information and services to Minnesota townships.

Minnesota Association of Townships provides guidance to Townships on all manner of activities and operations, including legal advice, guidance on operating routine and annual meetings, guidance on current funding opportunities and more. (See https://www.mntownships.org and www.mntownships.org/information-library)