Town of North Star

Annual Town Meeting Minutes 2022

March 8, 2022 at 8:15 p.m.

Mary Hellman, Clerk called the Annual Town meeting to order and welcomed the attending residents.  Pledge of Allegiance was said by all.

Mary called for a nomination of a Moderator for the meeting. Gary Mantay motioned to nominate Rod Saline.  Sue Forbragd seconded the motion. Mary called out two more times, no more nominations were made. Rod was voted in by a voice vote of all ayes, no nays. Passed.

Rod Saline announced the meeting agenda.  No questions.

2022 Town Supervisor Election Results – Election Judge Sue Forbragd announced the results of the election for the 3-year Supervisor term.  Janet Keough received 40 votes, Bill Bailey received 10 votes. (2 other ballots were voided as they had 2 votes per ballot.) Jan won the election.

Review /Approval pf the previous year’s minutes (as posted prior to meeting).  Linda Britton made a motion to accept 2021 Annual Meeting Minutes, Sue Forbragd seconded.  The motion passes with a unanimous voice vote of all ayes, no nays. Passed.

Reading of 2021 Board of Audit and Financial Reports(as posted prior to meeting) by Treasurer Donna Elsbury.  The floor was open for questions asked and answered.

Road Report from Gary Mantay, Road Supervisor -North Star continues to maintain East and West Briar Lake Drives.  Plowing, brushing, grading, and gravel came at the cost of $3467.00 in 2021.  The 2021 tax levy income for the road was $4589.90.  Town Aide was $1751,46.  Interest earning was $6.13.  2022 – the budget is $7500.00, with increase in costs of $2800.00 for gravel laid by the bus turn around.  Gary confirmed that yes, they are planning to do this, along with a new culvert in this area.

Proposed 2023 Levy

  • General:  Motion to approve by Linda Britton, second by Sue Forbragd. Vote: all ayes, no nays.  Approved.
  • Road and Bridge:  Motion to approve by Sue Forbragd, seconded by Ray Barnes.  Vote: all ayes, no nays.  Approved.
  • Fire/EMS: Motion to approve by Sue Forbragd, second by Jan Keough. Vote: all ayes, no nays. Approved.
  • Building:  Motion to approve by Sue Forbragd, seconded by Linda Britton. Discussion regarding expenses, the increased was due to new WiFi costs, and increase in insurance and propane costs. Vote: all ayes, no nays.  Approved.

2022 Annual Town Meeting Minutes (Continued)

Fire/EMS Report – Rory Blazevic, Fire Chief.  Rory stated that it has been relatively quiet recently.  They had a busier dry spring with wildfires to which the department responded mutually in the Finland area.  Membership is down by 5 members, so Rory is putting a call out to interested people to stop in during a meeting.  Meetings are 1st and 3rd Wednesdays at 6 pm, all are welcome.  They also need a grant writer position filled, if interested contact Rory.  Lastly, the department is looking forward to having the Pancake Breakfast again this spring.

The Communication Report was given by Jan Keough.  She gave the history of the need for a Communication Committee which was then formed in 2019 and listed what has happened in the interim.  There is a NEW Township Website at NORTHSTARMN.NET, on which our Township information and business is available. The platform was created by a local resident, is at a reasonable cost, and is user-friendly. Some of the areas on the website provides a calendar, access to contacting Town Board Members, Town Business (Board Meeting Minutes and Financial Information), land use information, and more.  The North Star ENewsletter continues to be a quarterly online publication which is accessible through the Website.  In the works:  a hand out area which would have information for new residents such as what services are available in our area, how to get burning permits, and other areas of interest/suggestions from our community.

Other business – Tentative date for Local Board of Appeal & Equalization Review for North Star Township Area: May 10, 2022 at 3-4 pm at North Star Town Hall.

Motion by Gary Mantay to set the date, time and location for the next annual meeting on the second Tuesday of March: March 14, 2023, 8:00 pm at North Star Hall. (Alternative date March 21, 2023).  Linda Britton seconds. Vote: All ayes, no nays, Passed.

Motion to adjourn at 8:45 pm made by Ray Barnes, Gary Mantay seconds.  Vote: All ayes, no nays. Passed.

Minutes Respectfully Submitted,

Mary Hellman, Clerk