2021 Audit Meeting Minutes

Town of North Star

Audit Meeting

January 28, 2022

In Attendance – Supervisor Gary Mantay, Supervisor Jan Keough, Supervisor Dick Dillon, Treasurer Donna Elsbury, Clerk Mary Hellman, Ray Barnes

Supervisor Gary Mantay called the meeting to order at 1:00 pm.

All present recited the Pledge of Allegiance.

The attending supervisors received the 2021 Financial Books from the Treasurer and the Clerk.  4 sets of Disbursements, Receipts and Bank Statement were compared from each set of books.

The supervisors completed and the audit of the treasurer and clerk books for 2021 and the end of year figures were as follows:

FundTotal ReceiptsTotal DisbursedEnding Balance
General Fund$ 38,154.01$ 28,488.91$ 61,852.73
Road & Bridge$   6,347.49$   3,467.00$ 10,895.19
Fire EMS$ 23,357.64$ 17,760.38$ 16,760.10
Building$   7,440.83$ 10,381.30$   8,326.89

2021 LEVY TOTALS:  December 31, 2021                $53,982.00 

Fire Donations$     250.00$     210.24$   2,677.63
Recycling$  4,081.19$  5,499.81$   1,698.79

CHECKBOOK TOTAL December 31, 2021                                 $104,200.00

Dick Dillon made a motion to approve the 2021 books.  Gary Mantay second the motion, vote to approve the audit of the township books. Vote – Dick aye, Gary aye, Jan Keough aye.  Motion carried.

Jan made a motion to adjourn, Gary second the motion.  Vote- Jan aye, Dick aye, Gary aye.  Meeting adjourned at 1:51 pm

Respectfully submitted,

Mary Hellman

Town Clerk