2021 August Town Board Meeting Minutes

TOWN OF NORTH STAR               

August 16, 2021

CALL TO ORDER  – Supervisor Gary Mantay called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm.  Attending Janet Keough, Dick Dillion, Ray Barnes, Rory Blazevic, Carrie Landman.

PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE All present recited the pledge

MINUTES APPROVAL Jan makes a motion to approve, Dick seconds, all in favor aye

REVIEW AND APPROVE PAYROLL AND CLAIMS Jan makes a motion to approve payroll and claims, Dick seconds. All in favor, aye.

August 2021 Accounts Summary

TRANSFER – Request approval to transfer $1441.12 from savings  to checking for checks 8249 – 8257, 080121 and 080221.  Dick makes a motion to approve transfer, Jan seconds, all in favor aye.


  • 7/6/2021 – May 2021 Tax Apportionment – $28,434.86
  • 7/20/2021 – State of MN Town Aid – $486.50
  • August SLC deposit – DNR PILT = $5,253.10
  • Ray has Towanna’s computer, printer and keys.  He will install current CTAS and connect to new WiFi.

CORRESPONDENCE – Township Legal Seminar – presented by Couri & Ruppe Law Office.  Letter from CLP regarding herbicide application in the Township.  The letter includes a posting which will be available on the message board at the Town Hall. 

FIRE DEPARTMENT – Rory didn’t have anything new to report but we are still in a critical fire situation.  Two firefighters are finishing their EMR training.  Cirrus is coming on 8/18/2021 to do training on how to respond to a Cirrus plane crash how to cage the explosive device in the aircraft and extricate any victims because the parachute does not deploy, it could create a serious/dangerous situation on the ground if it is accidentally deployed by a first responder. 

MAINTENANCE –. Gary would like a thank you card for Rod Saline for the landscaping around the Town of North Star sign.  Carrie confirms she will take care of it.

RECYCLING – Jan reports everything is going ok and the recycle center has been very busy this summer.

ROADS – nothing new to report.


  • Update from Carrie on Faster Solutions. 
    • Faster Solutions will do web design, setup WordPress, transfer of data, ongoing support, Cloud hosting and upgrades.  $275 a month for two years – This is an amazing price for a complete website redesign.   Carrie asks if we can pause the discussion until September meeting as she received a new proposal. 
    • Price drops to $35 per month after two-year contract if no website redesign is necessary after two years.


  • Fall Newsletter deployed on 8/11/2021
    • 58 delivered
    • 35 opened
  • Update on AT&T WiFi and booster.  The WiFi’s have been received and setup.  There are two units but the price is the same as one because we are considered a government agency.  Ray reports that the booster has not yet been purchased as he is waiting to see if ARPA funds will cover it.  Ray will move forward with the purchase of the booster. 
  • SLC Broadband Survey – Jan – update.  Paul MacDonald, County Commissioner would like to send the survey to the NS residents as a mail in option for the survey.  Jan asked Carrie to send an email to the residents and cabin owners notifying them of the survey and encouraging them to fill out the survey and return. 


  • Treasurer update? Next steps if no replacement is found.  Gary asked if the Township will consider hiring an accounting firm.  Jan says some Townships have clerk/treasurer in one position.  If there is one set of books, the Township has to hire an auditing firm as the Board cannot do the audit.  Gary suggests an accounting firm.   Discussion about some potentials within the residents of the Township.  Carrie reported she does not have the bandwidth to do both clerk and treasurer functions.
  • 2019 corrected W2’s W3’s still pending
  • ARPA filing
    • MAT providing ARPA registration services for a flat fee of $30 for the first hour, $10 for each 15 minutes after one hour.  Clerk recommends taking advantage of this service as there are many steps to complete the process.  MAT has the expertise to cost effectively file – provided they can renew the Town of North Star DUNS number for SAMS.gov website
      • Gary makes a motion to have MAT file the application, Jan seconds the motion.  All in favor, aye.  Carrie will fill out the form and send to MAT. 
  • Reminder letter from CLP that all wireless internet options will cease on 9/1/2021


  • Resume masking at Town Meetings?  A resident expressed concern about holding in-person meetings without masks.  Residents are free to wear masks when attending meetings.

REVIEW OF DUTIES –  Carrie to review Faster Solutions new proposal.  Carrie to prepare the email to the residents regarding the County survey.  Ray will purchase the booster.  Jan, Gary will talk to individual residents about the position.  Carrie sent the thank you to Rod. 


NEXT MEETING    September 20, 2021 at 6:30 pm 

ADJOURNMENT  –  Jan makes a motion to adjourn, Dick seconds, all in favor, aye. 

Respectively submitted,

Carrie Landman – Town Clerk