August 2022 Board Meeting Minutes


Date- 8/19/2022


ATTENDENCE – Supervisors Dick, Gary, Jan, Treasurer Donna, Deputy Treasurer Ray, Clerk Mary, Fire Chief Rory

Guest: Linda B.

JULY 2022 MINUTES REVIEW AND APPROVAL – Jan made the motion to accept the July 2022 Board Meeting Minutes as amended, Gary seconded. All ayes.

REVIEW AND APPROVAL OF PAYROLL AND CLAIMS –Jan made the motion to accept the Payroll and Claims, Dick seconded. Vote: Jan – aye, Gary – aye, Dick – Aye.


August 2022 Financial Report


The Transfer amount of __$0__ (as no transfer needed as there is over $9000 in the checking account).  There was $5653.09 written for checks #_8419-_8443_.   Check #8421 was voided, and the PERA EFT amount was __$56.76_.


Summary reports revised for February, March, April, June, and July and match cash control statement numbers. Updated copies on webpage. 

Jan asked about increased February spending. Donna reported MATIT, PAYROLL (double payroll coverage due to clerk and treasurer training), and County dues. Also, a TRANSFER TO ARPA as these funds need a separate account. This will be shown in the summary report and foot-noted.


  • Election Wrap Up – Primary went well on Aug. 9, 2022. North Star TWP had 66 votes.

Ray headed up testing on new ballot counting machine DS200. The only question he had was Ray would like to know where we are to cut the tape.  The voting box was returned to SLC in a timely manner. 

  • There are currently 6 active election judges. We also have a request from a community member who is interested in being an election judge.  We will invited her to the next training.
  • New Flag pole with eagle topper in place.
  • Tables and chairs are being requested for residential use. Reminder that no white tables can be taken out.



  • The Fire Department had two EMS calls, and they trained on the pump this month.
  • A brush pile burn is planned for the fall, depending on weather.
  • FD PERA retirements will be discussed early next year also, which will take town board backing. That would be the time if there would be any raises considered.  It has been over 10 years since the last one.  The Accounting Officer Rory has spoken about this is Sharon North.

MAINTENANCE – Dick stated there is an issue with the generator. He will call to have someone come look at it for repairs. We need to keep it shoveled out and accessible to the fuel tank by it.  Remind Jimmy to not make a big bank in front of the area as possible. 

RECYCLING –Jan reported that there is nothing new for recycling, it is going well.

ROADS –Gary, culvert will be replaced, road graded by Rory

WEBPAGE/COMMUNICATIONS REPORT Jan, website is doing well.


OLD BUSINESS – The No Garbage sign was torn down 4 days after it was up on the large Briar/Barrs Lake Rd sign.  Gary motioned to have a “No Littering… $400 penalty” sign from St. Louis Co. posted.  Jan seconded motion. Vote: Dick- aye; Gary- aye; Jan- aye. Ask SLC / Kelly 720-1508.  Clerk to call for information and cost.

No New Business.

REVIEW OF DUTIES – Generator call/Dick, No Littering sign from SLC/Clerk and f/u on table use.

UPCOMING EVENTS – Water test, Thursday Sept 1st, 2022, 11am-6pm., for North Star Township residents at the hall.  Clerk or Supervisor to have hall door open for their team.

NEXT TOWN BOARD MEETING – Tuesday, September 20th, 2022 at 6:30 p.m., NS Hall

ADJOURNMENT –   Jan, Gary at 7:10 pm. All ayes.

Minutes respectfully submitted,

Mary Hellman, Clerk