June 18 2024 Board Meeting Minutes


June 18, 2024 Board Meeting


ATTENDANCE: Gary Mantay, Jan Keough, Rod Saline, Donna Elsbury, Ray Barnes, Sue Forbragd, Dick Dillon, Mary Hellman

June 2024 MINUTES: Board Reviewed the minutes, Rod Saline moved to approve and Jan seconded, All voted Aye

TREASURER REPORT– Donna reported check #s 9105-9117 and transfer of $478.32 to checking. EFT to PERA $36.00

2024 Payroll Claims: Motion to approve payroll payments and other payments, seconded, all voted AYE

Motion was made to add the new clerk, Ellen Hanson, and Supervisor, Rodney Saline as signers to the township checking account and to remove Jenae Pitoscia and Richard Dillon as signers. Motion was seconded and all voted AYE.

Motion made, seconded and approved to purchase printer checks for use instead of handwritten checks. The printer checks are specially designed for use with the CTAS accounting program. Approximate cost is $328.00 for 500 checks.

Treasurer, Donna Elsbury, reported that she has recently been made  aware by staff at PERA that the Coordinated Plan at PERA is for appointed employees of government agencies (including treasurer and clerk) and is required participation unless the individual opts out under a qualifying exclusion code.

Donna has been mistakenly opting out under a code she did not qualify for. And, in spite of filing an exclusion report every year, listing the employees, the job title and the exclusion code, the folks at PERA apparently did not notice that she should have been enrolled in the Coordinated Plan.

 Now that it has been brought to their attention, PERA is requiring that the township submit a Record of Earnings report dating back to her hire date of September 20, 2021. After a PERA review of the earnings report, it is her understanding that PERA will require she enroll in the coordinated plan and that the township will be required to submit past employer contributions at a rate of 7.5% as well as past employee contributions (6.5%) up to the last 60 days. Those employee contributions of the last 60 days will be the responsibility of the individual. An estimate of the township portion of the past contributions due to PERA is approximately $2500.

CLERK REPORT/Correspondance: Hired Ellen Hanson for the open Clerk Position.

Recycling: Jan reported that all going well. The grant was recieved in the amount of $5,067.31

Webpage/Communications Report: $561 Million in grants in the state of MN for broadband. Rod and Jan are going to attend a Zoom meeting in relations to it

Fire: Rory/Mike/Gary: One medical call. Regular fire trainings

Maintenance: The garage door was broken and repaired for the amount of $173. Kent came and repaired the broken furnace. Rod Saline made time sheets and placed them in the recycling shed for Ken to use when he mows. We have no contract with him, he is employed.

Roads: Gary- The roads are wet

Old Business: Bruce Olson is a prospect for writing grants. Briar Lake is having issues with garbage being disposed off at the end of the road near the sign. The July North Star E-News will include a notice regarding prevention of people dropping off recycle items and trash at the township notice boards, especially the notice board at the corner of 44 and Barrs Lake Road.

New Business: Robert Anderson, Anne Bailey, Ray Barnes ( Head Election Judge), Sue Forbragd, Fay Kuettel, Ellen Hansen (Clerk), William Taft, Mary Hellman are the election judge pool.

Review Of Duties: Donna call Mat about insurance. Ray to train the election judges.

Upcoming Events: Rod Saline noted that Lakewood Township is looking at offering CPR classes, possibly open to other townships.

Adjournment: 7:26pm Jan motioned to adjourn, Rod seconded it, all voted AYE.

May 2024 Board Minutes

2024 May Board Meeting Minutes

TOWN OF NORTH STAR        05/21/2024


ATTENDANCE: Gary Mantay. Jan Keough, Rod Saline, Sue Forgragd, Donna Elsbury,Ray Barnes, Dick Dillon, Mary Hellman

April 2024 MINUTES:  Board reviewed the minutes.  Rod Saline moved to approve, Jan seconded, All voted Aye

FINANCIAL REPORT – Donna reported check 9091 through 9014 and transfer $7119.07 to checking.  EFT to Pera  $108.00.

 2024 Payroll Claims:  Motion to approve payroll payments and other payments, seconded, all voted “Aye”.


CLERK COMMENTS / CORRESPONDANCE: TBD: Ellen Hanson was the only applicant for the open Clerk position.  Rod Saline made a motion to hire Ellen, Jan seconded.  There was discussion regarding monthly payment for the Clerk.  Motion amended to hire Ellen Hanson as Town Clerk and pay the Clerk $350/month (first 5 hours), $27/hour for addition hours / month.

Deputy Clerk and Deputy Treasurer would receive half, $175/month.  Motion vote Aye by all. 

Jan made a motion to also pay the Treasurer $350/month – $27/hour the same as the Clerk.  Rod seconded the motion. Deputy Clerk and Deputy Treasurer would receive half, $175/month.  Motion vote Aye by all.  See attached amended pay rates. Motion and second amended.  All voted “Aye”.

RECYCLING: Jan reported that all going well.  We should receive the grant in June.

WEBPAGE/COMMUNIATIONS REPORT: Jan: Following the Board of Equalization, Jan sent an e-news reminding everyone to check their county property information, and also reminded people about the pancake breakfast.

FIRE – Rory/Mike/Gary: one medical call last month. 26th pancake breakfast 8-noon.  Turnout gear was received using ARPA fund, 2-3 more units needed.  State has $30M available for fire departments, but low populations are not very competitive.  Rory mentioned that the Department is seeking help with grant writing.  Jan will include that in the next e-news.  Radios are very expensive.  One was stolen from a private vehicle – Donna and Rory will investigate insurance coverage.

MAINTENANCE: Rod: Generator is fixed.  Lawn needs to be mowed once a week during peak summer, and in fall, every other week.  Ken can use a standard time card.  There is a ceiling in the furnace room and one of the bathrooms.  Rod will contact Tom Kuettel to look at repair.  One suggestion was to install heat tape to prevent ice dams.  Rod will look into that with Tom Kuettel.

ROADS: Gary: The grader is down but will be fixed for grading.

OLD BUSINESS:  Short term rentals….the Board had voted to let the county handle this.  Jan noted that the county is revising the ordinance for the Planning Commission and the hearing will be in the fall.

NEW BUSINESS:  Donna has the paperwork for the clerk and it will be a 2-year contract.

REVIEW OF DUTIES: Donna – tax credits. 

UPCOMING EVENTS: Pancake breakfast.  26th, 8-noon.  Next meeting will be June18, 2024.

ADJOURNMENT:  8:30  Jan moved to adjourn, Rod seconded, all in favor.

Attachment: Amended pay rates for 2024-2025.

Supervisor                   Town Meeting + 5 hours        $180.00

Treasurer                     Town Meeting + 5 hours        $350.00

Clerk                           Town Meeting + 5 hours        $350.00

Deputy Clerk              Town Meeting + 5 hours        $175.00

Deputy Treasurer        Town Meeting + 5 hours        $175.00

Communication                                                          $27.60/h

Outside Meetings/Training                                         $120.00

Election Judges                                                           $18.00/h

Recycle Operator                                                        $18.00/h

Custodian                                                                    $18.00/h

Yard Maintenance                                                      $18.00/h

Weed Inspector annual inspection report                   $600.00

Mileage                                                                       $0.67/mi

April 16 2024 Town Board Meeting Minutes

2024 April Board Meeting 04/16/2024
ATTENDANCE: Gary Mantay: Supervisor, Jan Keough: Supervisor, Jenae Pitoscia: Clerk, Donna Elsbury: Treasurer, Rory Blazevic: Fire Chief, Ray Barnes: Deputy Treasurer

Reorganization March 2024 MINUTES – Jan made motion to approve March reorganization minutes meeting minutes. Gary 2nd. Gary: Aye, Jan: Aye. Motion approved.

March 2024 MINUTES – Jan made motion to approve March meeting minutes. Gary 2nd. Gary: Aye, Jan: Aye. Motion approved.


TRANSFER –Transfer amount $8831.77 Check numbers 9079-9090. PERA EFT $72.00. IRS Quarterly $1188.2. Jan made motion accept transfer of funds. Gary 2nd. Gary: Aye, Jan: Aye. Motion approved.
AT&T has a way to enroll for payments to be made from our bank account. Amount is always $152.92. Donna would like to enroll in electronic transfer for payment. This payment might happen before a board meeting but it will prevent late payments. Jan made motion to approve EFT transfer for payment to AT&T Gary 2nd. Gary: Aye, Jan: Aye. Motion approved.
Donna is going to review if North Star township would receive a gas tax.

DS-200 has been brought in for servicing by Ray Barnes. Ray will be picking up our device on 4/17/2024.
Election judges will be Bill Taft and Ray Barnes (head election judge) as of meeting time. Emails went out to other individuals to see if we can get more volunteers.
St Louis County has a couple of tax forfeit properties in our area.

RECYCLING: Jan: No new updates.

WEBPAGE/COMMUNIATIONS REPORT: Jan: ENews was updated. Included were board of equalization meeting and pancake breakfast

FIRE – Rory/Gary: There have been two calls since the last meeting. One was a vehicle accident and one was a mutual aid response for a wild fire. Familiarization training and EMR refresher training will be happening soon
Nuisance Calls: Is there a way that we can put together a resolution on these types of calls that cost the township money? Township would like to keep an eye on these types of calls. Rory to review other resolutions in other townships to determine how this resolution would work for our township.

MAINTENACE: Gary: Generator is down again. Hunt electric has been contacted again to fix.

ROADS- Gary: Grading will be happening after a bit more thaw

NEW BUSINESS- Donna/Jan: Jenae to step down as clerk. Gary to call Sue Forbraged for the May 7th meeting. The board is going to advertise for this open position. Gary would like to use the firehall on May 11th for annual road meeting.

UPCOMING EVENTS – May 14th ISD-709 Election, May 21st Board Meeting, Pancake Breakfast May 26th, Board of Equalization Meeting: May 7th

ADJOURNMENT: Jan made motion to adjourn 7:15 PM Gary 2nd Jan: Aye, Gary: Aye, Motion approved.

2024 March Reorganization Meeting 03/19/2024



ATTENDANCE: Rod Saline: Supervisor, Gary Mantay: Supervisor, Jan Keough: Supervisor, Jenae Pitoscia: Clerk, Donna Elsbury: Treasurer, Rory Blazevic: Fire Chief

Assignments are as follows:

  • Gary Mantay: Chair, Roads
  • Rod Saline: Vice Chair, Building
  • Jan Keough: Supervisor, Recycling
  • Rory Blazevic: Fire Chief
  • Mike Siers: Assistant Fire Chief
  • Donna Elsbury: Treasurer
  • Ray Barnes: Deputy Treasurer
  • Jenae Pitoscia: Clerk
  • Susan Forbragd: Deputy Clerk

Wages for Board Members:

Jan made motion to raise wages for election judges to $18.00 per hour. Rod 2nd, Gary: Aye, Rod: Aye. Jan: Aye. Motion approved.

Mileage: 2024 rate has been changed to .670

Gary made motion to approve all other rates as below. Rod 2nd, Gary: Aye, Rod: Aye. Jan: Aye. Motion approved.

2024 Pay Rates:

  • Supervisor Town Meeting $180.00
  • Treasurer Town Meeting + 5 hours $270.00
  • Clerk Town Meeting + 5 hours $270.00
  • Clerk/Treasurer extra hours beyond 5 $24.00/hour
  • Communication hours $27.60/hour
  • Outside meetings/training $120/meeting or training event
  • Election Judges $18.00/hour
  • Recycle Attendant $18.00/hour
  • Custodian $18.00/hour
  • Lawn Mowing $18.00/hour
  • Mileage rate for outside meetings/training $0.67/mile

Monthly Board Meeting:

3rd Tuesday at 6:30 will be monthly board meetings

Township Bank:

National Bank of Commerce

North Star Weed Inspector:

Tim Walters will continue in the position. Wages will remain the same. $600/ 2024 annual inspection and report

Township Posting Places:

  • Barrs Lake Rd
  • Northwoods Lane
  • Alden Lake Rd
  • Bulletin Board at North Star Townhall

Gary made motion to approve posting places. Rod 2nd, Gary: Aye, Rod: Aye. Jan: Aye. Motion approved.

Gary made motion to adjourn Re-organization Meeting. Rod 2nd, Gary: Aye, Rod: Aye. Jan: Aye. Motion approved. 7:06 PM

2024 March Board Meeting 03/19/2024



ATTENDANCE: Rod Saline: Supervisor, Gary Mantay: Supervisor, Jan Keough: Supervisor, Jenae Pitoscia: Clerk, Donna Elsbury: Treasurer, Rory Blazevic: Fire Chief, Ray Barnes: Deputy Treasurer

February 2024 MINUTES – Gary made motion to approve February meeting minutes. Rod 2nd. Gary: Aye, Rod: Aye. Jan: Aye.  Motion approved.


TRANSFER –Transfer amount $5866.29 Check numbers 9057-9078. PERA EFT $54.00 Rod made motion accept transfer of funds. Gary 2nd. Gary: Aye, Rod: Aye. Jan: Aye. Motion approved.

Audit minutes need to be posted to website.


Good Neighbor Agreement:

Gary made motion to sign and support good neighbor agreement. Rod 2nd. Gary: Aye, Rod: Aye. Jan: Aye. Motion approved.

MAT: Township Day at the Capital: April 8th and April 9th. $100.00 per attendee. Registration is online.

March 21st 6:30. Duluth Township Organization. Rod Saline will be attending.

RECYCLING: Jan: No new updates.

WEBPAGE/COMMUNIATIONS REPORT: Jan: Jan made changes to website to change supervisor name from Dick Dillon to Rod Saline

ENews will be updated as needed probably in May

May 26th will be the pancake breakfast

FIRE – Rory/Gary: Responded to fire on weekend of trash fire. Fire was put out safely. The Fire department is questioning how we move forward with garbage burning. Community members can call EPA, and County Health Department for resolution. Currently we have no ordinance in North Star with regard to burning trash.

Rod to reach out to County attorney’s office to see if there is anything that they recommend to resolve.

MAINTENACE: Dick: Hunt electric replaced motor in the generator and it is running well.

ROADS- Gary: Culvert replacement will be happening this spring.Dates TBD. Donna will review what the cap is to determine if we need to get bids.

OLD BUSINESS – No old Business to discuss

NEW BUSINESS- Donna/Jan: No new business to discuss


UPCOMING EVENTS – May 14th ISD-709 Election, April 16th Board Meeting, Pancake Breakfast May 26th, Board of Equalization Meeting: May 7th

ADJOURNMENT:  Gary made motion to adjourn 7:40 PM Rod. 2nd. Jan: Aye, Gary: Aye, Rod: Aye. Motion approved.

2023 Annual Meeting Minutes

Date | time 3/14/2023 | Meeting called to order by Mary Hellman

In Attendance

(I do not have the sign in list for all the attendees)

Pledge of Allegiance



Motion for Rod Saline to moderate Meeting; Dick, Aye; Jan, Aye; Gary, Aye

Approval of Previous Year 2022 Meeting Minutes

Motion to waive the reading of the previous year meeting minutes; Dick, Aye; Jan, Aye; Gary, Aye

Motion approved

March 8th 2022

2023 Review of meeting minutes will commence March 12th 2024

Election Results

15 Votes Gary Mantay

4 Votes Bill Bailey

Gary Mantay winner

Reading & Approval of Board of Audit Report

Supervisors completed audit of Treasurer and Clerk Books for 2022. End of year figures are on cash control statement for year end 2022.

General Fund              $47,973.03

Road and Bridge         $17,441.66

Fire EMS                     $27,351.84

Fire Donations            $3,909.66        

Building                      $8,355.84

Recycling                    $2,779.13

ARPA Funds               $21,200.00                   

Total                            $129,011.91

Questions? None

Motion to Approve Audit; Dick, Aye; Jan, Aye; Gary, Aye

Motion Approved

2024 Proposed Budget Review

Budget consisted of 2022 Actual, 2023 Budget and 2024 Proposed Budget for upcoming year.

Question: How was 2022 in comparison to the budget.

Answer: We overspent. Budget was reviewed and updated based on calculations of past budgeted amounts to better fit where the actual expenses are. This was done to fit the expense and fund that it came from. Example is Communications WIFI. It was moved from” building” to “general” fund.

Comment: Comparatively speaking budget looks good in terms of other years that have been created.

Question: Can anyone answer what happens when we overspend? Where does that money come from?

Answer: We have monies in reserve. We are not overspending in term of dollars. We are overspending based on budgeted numbers. Funding does cover those expenses.

Question: It looks like the budget from 2022 to the proposed budget of 2024 has increased by about 10K. Is that correct?

Answer: Yes

Question: Is there any areas that are significantly increased?

Answer: Most of the increases are coming from the clerk and treasurer salary. It has taken more hours to complete the work. Raises were also given. More elections are also coming up in 2024. This equates to more funds required for those elections. Increase in budget from propane cost, snow plowing and building maintenance.

Question: Looks like not all receipts are not property tax. How much of the receipts of the 109K is from real-estate taxes?

Answer: 21,200 is ARPA (Covid Funds), Recycling$ 4889.31 was a grant from WLSSD. $63,993.00 is the funding by taxes.

Motion to Approve 2024 Budget; Dick, Aye; Jan, Aye; Gary, Aye

Motion Passed

Road Report

More gravel work will be done this year. 2 culverts on east side will need to be replaced. County has asked to do more brushing. Pretty standard maintenance this year.

Questions? None

Fire Report

12 Calls over the last year

1 Fire Call

Working on purchasing some new turn out gear and replacing other items that are worn. CPR training will be coming up in the spring and pancake breakfast is in the works. We are also looking for members especially on the fire side.

Questions? None

Items of Concern

Short Term Rentals

  • Committee to address issues with STR’s
  • Denise Anderson, Ryan, Mike and Carolyn
  • Talked with other townships to determine what can be done
    • Number of rentals
    • Quiet Hours
    • Max Guest Count
    • Event Hosting
    • Watercraft
    • Parking
    • RV
    • Garbage
    • Campers
    • EMS, Fire call bills
    • Evocation of Permit
    • Length of Permit
    • Fishing
    • Owner response time
    • Invasive species
    • Burning
    • Pets
    • Fireworks
    • ATV
    • Private property
    • Enforcement
    • Insurance
      • County requires applicants name county as additional insured. Covers county in case of legal issue. Should liability insurance also have the name of township?

Question: How can we enforce our rules?

Answer: This is still being worked out. There is a moratorium in place for 1 year starting in January. 1 Property does have a permit on Barrs Lake. Property owner is required to follow county and township rules if the township has them. Our township rules can be stricter than the county.

Question: Is there a timeline on decision making and reporting back?

Answer: We would like to have this completed sooner rather than later. Our rules will need to be followed when they are created.

Question: Should we have townspeople vote on the committee policy in regards to STR?

Answer: That is the general consensus that it would be voted on by the township.

There are other townships that are going though the same issues in regard to how to put together policies and procedures for Short Term Rentals (STR’s)

Motion: To support the STR Committee to move forward; Dick, Aye; Jan, Aye; Gary, Aye

Motion Passed


            Please sign up for email communication from our website.


  • No fiberoptic yet
    • ROI is not there yet
    • Broadband grants are in process
    • Looking for individuals to assist in efforts to get this service.

CLP Annual Meeting

  • April 19th
  • 6:00 PM
  • Two Harbors High School

Motion: Set meeting for March 12th 2024 for next annual Meeting; Dick, Aye; Jan, Aye; Gary, Aye

Motion Passed

Motion to Adjourn

Dick, Aye; Jan, Aye; Gary, Aye

Meeting Minutes completed: Jenae Pitoscia 3/16/2023

Town of North Star Audit Meeting

Audit Meeting
January 29, 2024
In Attendance – Supervisor Gary Mantay, Supervisor Jan Keough, Supervisor Dick Dillon, Treasurer Donna
Supervisor Jan Keough called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm.
All present recited the Pledge of Allegiance.
The attending supervisors received the 2023 Financial Books from the Treasurer and the Clerk. 3 sets of
Disbursements, Receipts and Bank Statement were compared from each set of books.
The supervisors completed the audit of the treasurer and clerk books for 2023 and the attached 2023
Board of Audit Report shows the verified receipts and disbursements and the verified bank statements
and clerk/treasurer balances. The attached 2023 Cash Control Statement verifies the ending balance of
all fund accounts.

Board of Audit Report

CHECKBOOK TOTAL December 31, 2023: $127,958.21
Dick Dillon made a motion to approve the 2023 books. Gary Mantay seconded the motion, vote to
approve the audit of the township books. Vote – Dick Dillon: aye, Gary Mantay: aye, Jan Keough: aye.
Motion carried.
Gary Mantay made a motion to adjourn, Dick Dillon seconded the motion. Vote- Jan Keough: aye, Dick
Dillon: aye, Gary Mantay: aye. Meeting adjourned at 7:17 pm