2023 July Board Meeting

TOWN OF NORTH STAR       07/18/2023


ATTENDANCE: Supervisors: Jan Keough: Supervisor, Dick Dillon: Supervisor, Gary Mantay: Supervisor, Donna Elsbury: Treasurer, Jenae Pitoscia: Clerk, Mary Hellman: Deputy Clerk, Mike and Caroline Siers.

JUNE 2023 MINUTES – Updates required in RECYCLING and WEBPAGE/COMMUNICATIONS areas. Updated meeting minutes posted to webpage. Clerk needs to ensure that all meeting minutes are posted to the webpage after board approval. Dick made motion to accept June 2023 meeting minutes. 2nd Gary. Jan: Aye, Gary: Aye, Dick: Aye. Motion approved.


TRANSFER –Transfer amount $6680.29. Check numbers 8591-8602. PERA EFT $90.00. PERA was a bit higher this month due to extra supervisor meeting attended.  Dick made motion accept transfer of funds. Gary 2nd. Jan: Aye, Gary: Aye, Dick: Aye. Motion approved.


  1. Board has submitted letter to WLSSD for grant. Should be coming soon.
  • Jan signed Employee forms required by the State of MN Department of Labor and Industry. These are required for all new or updates in employee status. These were completed for Jenae Pitoscia and Mary Hellman. Dick had question if this form will be needed for promotional changes. Answer is yes, any employee changes will require the form to be submitted.
  • CLC coverage from MATIT will show a slight increase of about $77.00 in premiums. Recycling shed is included in the premiums and was as of last year as well. Question if Isuzu truck should still be covered on the insurance. This can be removed. Donna will ensure that is removed from the coverage. “Contractors Equipment” coverage is stated to cover up to $20K on the policy. Question about what would be covered under this area. This will be clarified by Donna. Need clarification on fire truck that is on a lease to own contract. Not sure where this would fall in insurance. Need definition. It is a covered vehicle currently. Donna will get clarification. Board wants to ensure fire trucks are covered fully. There are 2 trucks currently a 2019 and a 2007. As stated in policy, “Comprehensive Coverage” is actual cash value or cost of repairs whichever is less and “Collision Coverage” is actual cash value or cost of repairs. No limit is stated in coverage. There is a copy of last years coverage vs this year’s coverage. Donna will be reviewing this closer.
  • Resolution for Emergency Services. This template form will be put in place for circumstances where a supervisor will need to complete work on behalf of the township. This will be to be put on file. An invoice will also be needed in this circumstance. Question from Jan on if we need this form filled out for every type of emergency service that should arise. This cannot be a blanket statement resolution. It needs to be specific to the job. An example of when this form would be used would be for emergency snow removal from the roof.
  • Still waiting on answer from MAT on monthly earning statements. There is an area in CTAS were we can provide this information.
  • Board would like to transfer responsibilities of Deputy Clerk to Mary Hellman and Clerk to Jenae Pitoscia.  Dick made motion to add Jenae as Clerk and Mary as Deputy Clerk as of July 18th. 2nd Gary Jan: Aye, Gary: Aye, Dick: Aye. Motion approved.
  • Motion to add Jenae Pitoscia as a signer to the Board checking account and Credit card. Jan made motion to add Jenae to banking. Gary 2nd. Jan: Aye, Gary: Aye, Dick: Aye. Motion approved.
  1. Jenae and Donna will complete this process with the bank.


Board would like to thank Mary Hellman for her work as Clerk over the last 2 years. She has been instrumental in participating in the town board and has navigated many obstacles. She is stepping down from the Clerk position to the Deputy Clerk position as of July 18th. Board would like to thank Jenae for stepping in as Clerk. This news will be added to the board website.


  • A public meeting is scheduled for August 8th to discuss STR’s Notice will be in Enews and a notice will be posted on bulletin board as well.
  • Committee has put together a draft ordinance
  • There was an informational gathering with the County Planning director on June 23rd. In attendance were individuals from Pequaywan township and Eagles Nest township.
  • Many questions are still outstanding.
    • Is the county going to back any ordnance that the township puts in place?
    • Is the county going to continue to permit STR’s if we have an ordnance of our own that limits the amount of STR’s the board would like in the area?
    • Will the board need to take on additional duties on such as planning and zoning?
    • How will new ordnance be enforced?
    • Is there a potential for lawsuits against the township?
  • If an ordinance is in place the township will be required to manage it. That includes forms, review and decision making.
  • Board is requesting attorney review any ordnance put in place.
  • The committee has put the draft together based on the county’s regulation as well as limitations such as quiet times and fireworks. This is an ongoing draft and suggestions from the board and public and still needed.
  • Board agrees that limitations to the number of STR’s is needed.
  • There is an area on the County Planning webpage and see the permits that are currently in place for the area. It lists permit actions and dates.
  • Committee’s intention is to document rules and regulations for a base if issues arise from an STR.
  • Main enforcement would be to potentially pull a license if the regulations are not followed.
  • There is a county complaint form available to log issues with STR’s.
  • Mortarium is still in place with the county for STR’s, however there has been one issued while moratorium has been in place.
  • Jan would like committee to revise ordnance that would have county regulations added to our proposed ordnance with additional items added like limitations, quiet hours and fireworks. It needs to be comprehensive so we get the most feedback as possible from the public.
  • Proposed ordnance will be provided before the August 8th meeting for the public to review before and after meeting. This will be on the website and sent out with ENews. Feedback will be taken by the board up until August 15th. Comments should come to town board via email or at the August 8th meeting.
  • Jan to set up meeting with Paul McDonald.
  • If the township does have an ordnance for STR’s there would be cost involved. This could be a capped cost if needed.
  • Could extend moratorium on STR’s if needed

RECYCLING: Jan: Grant is in progress

WEBPAGE/COMMUNIATIONS REPORT: Jan: ENews update is in progress.

Updates Include:

  • There will be notice of August 8th meeting.
  • A reminder on land use enforcement.
  • Recycling.
  • Should be put notice in regards to brush pile? Dick stated that ENews needs to state that we still have a brush pile.  Individuals need to contact Gary Mantay in regards to brush pile.
  • New Clerk and New Deputy Clerk

FIRE – Rory/Gary: Fire department has 2-3 new members. Fire training is coming up for those new members. Pump training on July 19th. 1 call came in from logging equipment fire. Fire was contained to the equipment only.

MAINTENACE: Dick: Seal cost for parking lot has 1 quote for $5100.00. This cost includes cracks and sealing. Would need to contact WLSSD to move dumpsters so sealing can be completed. Pickle ball lines would cost additional $400. That is not needed as members of the community will complete after the sealing is completed. There is another quote coming in soon from Duluth Asphalt. Question from Dick is due to scheduling can he determine the best course of action. Gary made motion to allow Dick to determine who to hire based on another quote not to exceed $5500.00. 2nd Jan. Jan: Aye, Gary: Aye, Dick: Aye. Motion approved.

ROADS- Gary: Road was graded week before last. Potential for fall grading if necessary




  • Donna to set up banking with Jenae
  • Jan to work on STR announcement and ENEWS
  • Dick to get seal coating done

UPCOMING EVENTS – August 8th public forum

August 15th is next board meeting

ADJOURNMENT: Dick made motion to adjourn 7:40 PM Gary. 2nd Gary. Jan: Aye, Gary: Aye, Dick: Aye. Motion approved.

2023 June Board Meeting

TOWN OF NORTH STAR       06/20/2023


ATTENDANCE: Supervisors: Jan Keough, Dick Dillon Gary Mantay. Treasurer Donna Elsbury, Clerk Jenae Pitoscia, Deputy Clerk Mary Hellman, Deputy Treasurer Ray Barnes, Mike and Caroline Siers.

MAY 2023 MINUTES – Updates made per feedback. Updated minutes provided. Dick: Motion to approve May minutes based on corrections. 2nd: Gary. Jan: Aye, Gary: Aye, Dick: Aye. Motion approved.


TRANSFER –Transfer amount $6241.65. Check numbers 8575-8590. PERA $54.00. 2nd Quarter IRS $796.88 Gary made motion accept transfer of funds. Dick 2nd. Jan: Aye, Gary: Aye, Dick: Aye. Motion approved.

June 2023 Payroll Claims:  Dick made motion to accept. Gary 2nd. Jan: Aye, Gary: Aye, Dick: Aye. Motion approved.

TRESURER COMMENTS: Donna: Check from DNR should be deposited to fire EMS. Check was for fire in gravel pit.

Certificate of Appointment for Deputy Town Clerk: Donna filled out form and Mary will need to sign off on.

The Board and Treasurer discussed the employee notices of employee pay rate to be given to employees once a year or whenever the pay rate changes.  This is required for staff, but not for elected officials (Board Members).  Treasurer would fill out a form for each employee (see guidance from MAT).  Treasurer Donna will contact MAT to find out if monthly earnings statements to staff are required as well.

Dick questioned process of determining how township will determine fair pay for supervisors in emergency situation. In emergency (very short notice) situations, the supervisors must quickly determine the cost of each service and estimate the cost and timeliness of bringing in an outside service provider.  Supervisors would be paid at or below standard contracted person per MAT (Minnesota Association of Townships). Annual resolution will allow for supervisors to step in, in these emergency situations.  Donna will develop the annual resolution and will develop a generic invoice form that can be used for multiple types of emergency services.

Final Town Levy: Forms reviewed and submitted in the past by Linda Britton. Clerk should be sending this in to county. County has not sent this form as of yet. No request from county that we need to send in. Donna to contact county on what is required for this process.

Payment for Jim Taft (plowing service) was covered from 11/2022 to April 2023. Need to have invoices sent monthly for plowing service to avoid issues in the future. Form will be provided.

Recycling Building has been added to insurance.

CLERK COMMENTS / CORRESPONDANCE- Mary/Jenae: Mary created a contract for lawn mowing services. This will be filed and saved for future use. These contacts will also be utilized for plowing, mowing grading etc. and kept on file.

SHORT TERM RENTAL PROPERTY: An information exchange forum has been set up with county Interim Director of Planning on Friday June 23rd 2023. This is informational only. Denise will be in attendance. Mary will take minutes. This will be an opportunity to learn about how the county permits, manages and enforces short term rentals, and discuss how a possible township ordinance on STRs would interact with county programs.

Updated document on STR (Short Term Rental) has been sent by Denise to Township Board. Committee requested to know if there are any further questions in regard to updated document. Does an STR (Short Term Rental) get classified as a homestead? Answer: No. Policy in regards to residential zoning areas. Has this been reviewed? This needs to be further researched.

Public forum on STR (Short Term Rental) will be scheduled after county meeting. This will also be available online for comments as well. 1-year moratorium is in effect in township in relation to STR’s (Short Term Rental). This will be put on ENews. informational postings and on website to share information with the public.

The Clerk was asked to contact MAT and our MATIT insurance agent to determine with MAT (Minnesota Association of Townships) if township insurance policy cover denial of a STR (Short Term Rental) permit. This will also be brought to county meeting as well.

RECYCLING: Jan: Grant has not yet been received as of yet. Recycling event went well. WLSSD individuals were at the town hall last Saturday to collect electronics and information on recycling plastic.

WEBPAGE/COMMUNIATIONS REPORT: Jan: Daisey Wallace has fixed the website issues. Cost was $50.

FIRE – Rory/Gary: 2 calls since last meeting. Brush fire in gravel pit on Pequaywan Lake Rd. DNR on site. Burned for several days but was contained. Another call on Barrs Lake Rd.

PERA retirement to be potentially increased without additional cost to township. Safe amount per person would be $800.00. Leaves township at 112% funded. Require a board approval for that amount. Will be sharing information with board members to see change. Would not take effect until first of the year. This would not be retroactive. This does not impact levy. Motion by Dick to accept the $800.00 increase to PERA. 2nd Jan. Jan: Aye, Gary: Aye, Dick: Aye. Motion approved.

Turn out gear has been ordered. 3 sets total

Pancake breakfast made $1325.00 profit. 122 people in attendance

MAINTENACE: Dick: Still working on estimates for sealing of blacktop as well as crack filler by door.

ROADS: Gary: Midsummer grading on first section of road is a potential depending on how road holds up



REVIEW OF DUTIES: Mary to contact MAT on insurance. Public forum to be scheduled by Jan. Donna to contact county on levy documentation. Donna to prepare employee payroll documents.


JULY 18th next meeting

ADJOURNMENT: Motion to adjourn 7:31 PM Dick. 2nd Gary. Jan: Aye, Gary: Aye, Dick: Aye. Motion approved.

2023 MAY Board Meeting-Updated

TOWN OF NORTH STAR       05/16/2023


ATTENDANCE: Jan, Jenae, Dick, Gary, Mary, Sue, Ray

APRIL 2023 MINUTES – Review and Board approval. Ensure that yay and nays are properly documented and accounted for payroll or financial reports. Ensure that board’s approval is documented as well. Gary motion to accept notes. Jan 2nd. Approval unanimous. Jan: Aye, Gary: Aye, Dick: Aye



TRANSFER – Ray reported Transfer amount of $4970.46 for checks #8562-8574. EFT’s for PERA $108.00. IRS quarterly tax payment $0.00. Gary motion to approve. Jan 2nd. Approval unanimous. Jan: Aye, Gary: Aye, Dick: Aye

Question on how many supervisors need to sign documentation on accounting for payroll. This is for filing purposes as well as to ensure review of hours and pay for clerk and accounting.

CLERK COMMENTS / CORRESPONDANCE- Mary/Jenae: Invitation to annual meeting and Election of the SLC Association of Township Officers May 24th in Cotton MN at 5:30 PM. Dinner included 6:30 PM.

Ray asked about communication on a new election machine and retiring current machine township has. Should be free of cost per Pequaywan Township communication.

RECYCLING – Jan. WLSSD June 10th will have open house at the townhall. Electronic item pickup will be part of that open house. Flyers will be distributed at the pancake breakfast to constituents. Potential of having them do a hazardous waste pickup time in the future.

WEBPAGE/COMMUNICATIONS REPORT – Jan: Sign up button for Enews is down and is not allowing for new individuals to sign up. Jan contacted Daisy Wallace, the clerk from Pequaywan Township, set us up for a stand-alone sign-up system to allow for new members to continue to sign up. Would be charging $25.00 per hour for set up. Estimation of hours to set up is about 3 hours. Dick made motion to pay up to $150.00 for this to get done. Gary 2nd. Approval unanimous. Jan: Aye, Gary: Aye, Dick: Aye

Enews was sent in regard to pancake breakfast and WLSSD open house on 5/16/2023.

FIRE – Rory/Gary: One member resigned. Gaining potential 3 new members. No burning permits currently. Sitting at Fire danger. Burning pile is reopened.

MAINTENACE: Lawn maintenance is going to be taken care of by Ken. Will create a contract for this service.

Emergency situations can be completed by board members if there is a statement on file that explains that members will work at or below a regular cost. This will need to be an annual resolution for supervisors to be able to complete functions due to emergency. When supervisor turns in a payroll request form needs to state that the work was completed at or below a typical contract.

ROADS: Gary: Roads were graded.


     SHORT TERM RENTAL PROPERTY – Email sent by Denise to group in regards to STR’s on 5/16/2023. Copy was provided. Meeting was scheduled with director of planning but was cancelled due to his resignation. Reschedule will happen at a later date TBD. Moratorium is still in place.

Question: Has committee revised the documentation in regards to ordinance? Board would like to see the updated documentation. Would also like to have discussion with the county. Would like to go to that meeting with the proposal in hand.

     CLERK DUTY’s- Discussion regarding the switching of duties between Mary and Jenae as Clerk and Deputy clerk. July meeting would be a potential date to change positions. Dick motion to make Jenae as Clerk and Mary as Deputy Clerk as of July Meeting. Gary 2nd. Approval unanimous. Mary will review trainings for a smooth transition. Jan: Aye, Gary: Aye, Dick: Aye

NEW BUSINESS- Gary/Jan:  Sealing of the blacktop needs to be completed.

REVIEW OF DUTIES – Jan to get web news operating. Donna is going to update credit union login. Mary will work with MAT on trainings. Dick will get estimates on sealing.



JUNE 20th next meeting.

ADJOURNMENT: 7:06 Motion by Gary. Dick 2nd. Approval unanimous.

2023 APRIL Board Meeting

TOWN OF NORTH STAR        04/18/2023


ATTENDANCE: Jan, Gary, Ray, Donna, Denise, Jenae. Dick and Mary absent.

MARCH 2023 MINUTES – Review and Board approval, motionReorganized meeting minutes update. Updates for Rates and bank notes. Saved for Mary to update. Motion to approve: Gary and 2nd by Jan. Motion to approve Reorganization minutes: Motion to approve: Jan, 2nd Gary. Vote: Jan – aye, Gary – aye, Dick absent. Motion passed.


MARCH 2023 PAYROLL AND CLAIMS – Review and Board approval. Motion to approve payroll, claims and transfer. Gary, 2nd Jan. Dick absent. Gary – aye, Jan – aye. Motion passed.

TRANSFER – Donna reported the beginning checkbook balance of $301.96. Transfer amount of $5726.47 for checks #8547-8561. EFT’s for PERA $54.00. Superior Choice Credit Union check printing $98.04. IRS quarterly tax payment $1163.92. Ending Checkbook balance $300.00.

CLERK COMMENTS / CORRESPONDANCE- Jenae. No comments at this time. No correspondence at this time. 

SHORT TERM RENTAL PROPERTY – Denise. Notes forwarded from Denise in regards to County rules and regulations for STR’s to group.

RECYCLING – Jan. Nothing new to report.

WEBPAGE/COMMUNICATIONS REPORT – Jan: E-news was sent 4/18/2023. Included upcoming meetings and events. Jan will continue this duty until further notice.

FIRE – Rory/Gary: Assistance is needed for the pancake breakfast. Servers, wait staff, cooks etc. are needed.

ROADS- Gary: Grading will happen after roads dry out. Culverts will happen in the summer. Not dates identified.

MAINTENACE: No items at this time.

NEW BUSINESS- Gary/Jan: Alden East Common Interest Community requested use of townhall 9AM, May 6th for annual road meeting.

MAT Training Session for Supervisors:

  • Employee notice from Department of Labor and Industry stating rate of pay for each job held.
    • Yearly
    • Kept on file
    • Not for elected officials
  • Conflict of interest
    • Effects Supervisors
    • Emergency work specific
      • Have resolution at beginning of year
      • Paid at or less than any contractor or other employee would get
      • Statement regarding pay rate on invoice and submission of time
    • Can we have a contractor that is a supervisor?
  • Timecards
    • Clerk and Treasurer should have timecards reviewed as well as all other staff.
    • Submit online prior to meeting

UNFINISHED BUSINESS – Briar Lake variance request. 7773 W Briar Lake Dr, Alan Josephson. Garage set back. No action.

REVIEW OF DUTIES – Meeting with county planning Jan. Donna to do resolution and contact MAT.



MAY 16TH, 2023 AT 6:30PM


ADJOURNMENT: 7:40 pm Motion to Adjourn: Gary, 2nd Jan.

2023 MARCH Board Meeting

TOWN OF NORTH STAR        03/21/2023


Attendance – Supervisors: Chairperson Janet Keough, Gary Mantay, Dick Dillon, Treasurer Donna Elsbury, Clerk Mary Hellman, Deputy Treasurer Ray Barnes, and Deb Pomroy.

FEBRUARY 2023 MINUTES – Review and Board approval, motionmade to accept the February 2023 Minutes (with corrections) by Dick, second by Jan. Vote: all ayes. Motion passed.

FEBRUARY 2023 PAYROLL AND CLAIMS – Review and Board approval


TRANSFER – Donna reported the Transfer amount of $3047.60

for checks #8531- 8546.   EFTs / PERA -54.00. Ending checkbook balance of $301.46.

Review and Board approval; Gary made a motion to accept transfer of funds, second by Dick. Vote: Gary -aye, Jan – aye, dick – aye. Motion passed.

TREASURER COMMENTS – Donna will be calling MATIT to find out more about premiums. The County Tax Distribution will be available in early June.


Election Results:  Gary Mantay won the seat of Supervisor in a vote of 15/Gary, 4/Write-ins/Bill Bailey. All voting results were brought to the courthouse on March 15, 2023.

Dick and Mary will be on vacation the month of April.  Jenae will be filling in for Mary as Clerk at this time. – Sue Forbragd sent a Thank You card to the NS Board for when Marvin was very ill..

SHORT TERM RENTAL PROPERTY – Denise Anderson from the STR Committee sent an update for this meeting.

RECYCLING – Jan reported there is nothing new regarding recycling; all is good.

WEBPAGE/COMMUNICATIONS REPORT – Jan reported the next E-News will be out in late April. Lee Kaplan is leaving the township and will not be able to provide consulting.

Carrie will also be done also when someone else is available to take over.

ROADS – Gary reports that there is not much new; the roads are still white and slippery.

FIRE – Rory/Gary – Gary reported there was one fire call in the last month.

MAINTENANCE – Dick stated that some ice fell and struck the outside electrical box.. Gary called CLP and they came in to fix it. Also the women’s bathroom mirror needs fixing or replacing.  Dick will look into it.


-Tax Forfeit Land, Deb Pomroy and Ray Barnes provided detailed information to the County regarding a piece of land that was listed as Tax Forfeit.  The Township Board found no problem with the information the had provided to the county.

-DAT (Duluth Area Townships), Jan showed interest in rejoining the group to get updated on current topics.  The dues are $100/yr. Dick made a motion to have Jan join and NST pay the dues, second by Gary. Gary – aye, Dick – aye, Jan – aye.  Motion passed.

MN Association of Townships – Jan showed interest in attending the MAT Training in Duluth on April 7, 2023. Cost is $75/full day.  Motion by Gary to accept her request, second by Dick. Vote: Gary-aye, Dick – aye, Jan – aye. Motion passed

-Variance Request / 7666 Barr’s Lake Rd, Board


REVIEW OF DUTIES –  Donna to check on MATIT premiums, Dick to fix/replace mirror





ADJOURNMENT – Dick motioned to adjurn the meeting at 7:15 pm, second by Gary, all ayes.

Minutes respectfully submitted by,

Mary Hellman, Clerk

February 2023 Board Meeting Minutes


2/21/2023 at 6:30 pm, North Star Hall


ATTENDING – Supervisors: Dick Dillon, Gary Mantay, Janet Keough, Treasurer Donna Elsbury, Deputy Treasurer Ray Barnes, Clerk Mary Hellman, and FD Chief Rory Blazevic, Denise Anderson  

JANUARY MINUTES REVIEW AND APPROVAL – Motion to accept by Gary, second by Jan. Vote: All ayes. Motion passed.


REVIEW AND APPROVE JANUARY PAYROLL AND CLAIMS –Motion by Dick to accept payroll and claims.  Second by Gary. Vote: Gary – aye, Dick -aye. Jan – aye.  Motion passed.

TRANSFER – Donna  

Transfer – Donna reported the Transfer amount of $7946.86 for checks 8513-8530   EFT PERA AMOUNT OF $_162.00_, Checkbook end balance – $300.00.  Jan made a motion to accept the transfer, Dick seconded. Vote; Gary – aye, Dick – aye, Jan – aye.

Motion passed.

CLERK COMMENTS – Election Update: Absentee Voting can be done by calling the clerk, Mary earlier or coming to the hall on March 11th, 2023 from 10 am to noon. Phone: 218-269-0543.

CORRESPONDENCE1) Annexation Reform Letter, 2) American Red Cross Support, 3) Tax Forfeit Land. Discussion, but no action on these items.

RECYCLING – Jan reported that the WLSSD Report was due in February.  She already completed and submitted this for $5092.32. Included were employee salaries, benefits, electricity, propane, plowing, etc.  All is going well.

WEBPAGE / E-NEWS COMMUNICATIONS REPORT – Jan.  The Township Website and E-Newsletter continue to be updated with current township information.  Jan reminded Mary to get the minutes on-line as soon as possible.

2023 February Board Meeting Minutes (continued)

FIRE DEPARTMENT –Rory.  It has been a quiet year for FD/EMS calls. 3 sets of fire gear have been fitted and ordered for members with ARPA funds, in the amount of $14473.50.    Jan made a motion to accept the use of these funds and amount for this purpose, Gary seconded.  Vote: Jan – aye, Gary – aye, Dick – aye. Motion passed.   He also will be working with the clerk/treasurer in sending in the State Fire Aid Form, due in March.  The next FD Meeting will be on February 22, 2023.

MAINTENANCE –Dick reported that the Board hired Tony Thomas from Dirt Works to push the big banks back in the hall lot. He did a good job.  Gary and Dick completed snow removal from the hall roof.  Dick provided snow plowing for the hall while Jimmy was on vacation.

ROADS – Gary reported that the township roads were snowy, icy, and slippery.  Rory had been pushing large heavy snow ball chunks off the roads as they could be problematic. Gary said he would be calling on bids for culverts to be put on the East Briar Lake Rd.


Short Term Rentals –Denise Anderson, representing the STR Committee attended tonight’s meeting and gave a report on current progress and stated their committee would bring a report to the town’s annual Meeting on March 14th.

NEW BUSINESS – Jan stated that Carrie Landman is planning to be done as Deputy Clerk. NS needs to find a replacement for this position, as it is responsible for the township’s communication Website and E-Newsletter.  Jenae Pitoscia has applied and the clerk has accepted Jenae’s offer.  She will get started in March and Carrie is willing to provide training.  Thank you, Carrie!  Welcome, Jenae!

REVIEW OF DUTIES – Gary to get quotes on culverts for East Briar Lk.  Jan to call Eagles Nest Township for Short Term Rental information.


TOWNSHIP ELECTION –March 14th from 5:00 p.m.to 8:00 p.m.




ADJOURNMENT – There was a motion to adjourn the board meeting at 7:40pm by Jan, seconded by Gary. All ayes.

Minutes respectfully submitted,

Mary Hellman, Clerk

Town of North Star

Annual Town Meeting Minutes 2022

March 8, 2022 at 8:15 p.m.

Mary Hellman, Clerk called the Annual Town meeting to order and welcomed the attending residents.  Pledge of Allegiance was said by all.

Mary called for a nomination of a Moderator for the meeting. Gary Mantay motioned to nominate Rod Saline.  Sue Forbragd seconded the motion. Mary called out two more times, no more nominations were made. Rod was voted in by a voice vote of all ayes, no nays. Passed.

Rod Saline announced the meeting agenda.  No questions.

2022 Town Supervisor Election Results – Election Judge Sue Forbragd announced the results of the election for the 3-year Supervisor term.  Janet Keough received 40 votes, Bill Bailey received 10 votes. (2 other ballots were voided as they had 2 votes per ballot.) Jan won the election.

Review /Approval pf the previous year’s minutes (as posted prior to meeting).  Linda Britton made a motion to accept 2021 Annual Meeting Minutes, Sue Forbragd seconded.  The motion passes with a unanimous voice vote of all ayes, no nays. Passed.

Reading of 2021 Board of Audit and Financial Reports(as posted prior to meeting) by Treasurer Donna Elsbury.  The floor was open for questions asked and answered.

Road Report from Gary Mantay, Road Supervisor -North Star continues to maintain East and West Briar Lake Drives.  Plowing, brushing, grading, and gravel came at the cost of $3467.00 in 2021.  The 2021 tax levy income for the road was $4589.90.  Town Aide was $1751,46.  Interest earning was $6.13.  2022 – the budget is $7500.00, with increase in costs of $2800.00 for gravel laid by the bus turn around.  Gary confirmed that yes, they are planning to do this, along with a new culvert in this area.

Proposed 2023 Levy

  • General:  Motion to approve by Linda Britton, second by Sue Forbragd. Vote: all ayes, no nays.  Approved.
  • Road and Bridge:  Motion to approve by Sue Forbragd, seconded by Ray Barnes.  Vote: all ayes, no nays.  Approved.
  • Fire/EMS: Motion to approve by Sue Forbragd, second by Jan Keough. Vote: all ayes, no nays. Approved.
  • Building:  Motion to approve by Sue Forbragd, seconded by Linda Britton. Discussion regarding expenses, the increased was due to new WiFi costs, and increase in insurance and propane costs. Vote: all ayes, no nays.  Approved.

2022 Annual Town Meeting Minutes (Continued)

Fire/EMS Report – Rory Blazevic, Fire Chief.  Rory stated that it has been relatively quiet recently.  They had a busier dry spring with wildfires to which the department responded mutually in the Finland area.  Membership is down by 5 members, so Rory is putting a call out to interested people to stop in during a meeting.  Meetings are 1st and 3rd Wednesdays at 6 pm, all are welcome.  They also need a grant writer position filled, if interested contact Rory.  Lastly, the department is looking forward to having the Pancake Breakfast again this spring.

The Communication Report was given by Jan Keough.  She gave the history of the need for a Communication Committee which was then formed in 2019 and listed what has happened in the interim.  There is a NEW Township Website at NORTHSTARMN.NET, on which our Township information and business is available. The platform was created by a local resident, is at a reasonable cost, and is user-friendly. Some of the areas on the website provides a calendar, access to contacting Town Board Members, Town Business (Board Meeting Minutes and Financial Information), land use information, and more.  The North Star ENewsletter continues to be a quarterly online publication which is accessible through the Website.  In the works:  a hand out area which would have information for new residents such as what services are available in our area, how to get burning permits, and other areas of interest/suggestions from our community.

Other business – Tentative date for Local Board of Appeal & Equalization Review for North Star Township Area: May 10, 2022 at 3-4 pm at North Star Town Hall.

Motion by Gary Mantay to set the date, time and location for the next annual meeting on the second Tuesday of March: March 14, 2023, 8:00 pm at North Star Hall. (Alternative date March 21, 2023).  Linda Britton seconds. Vote: All ayes, no nays, Passed.

Motion to adjourn at 8:45 pm made by Ray Barnes, Gary Mantay seconds.  Vote: All ayes, no nays. Passed.

Minutes Respectfully Submitted,

Mary Hellman, Clerk


Board Meeting Minutes   

TOWN OF NORTH STAR                 Date- 01/17/2023

ATTENDENCE – Supervisors- Dick Dillon, Jan Keough, Gary Mantay. Donna Elsbury, Treasurer, and Mary Hellman, Clerk. Guests: Denise Anderson, Linda Britton. 


DECEMBER 2022 MINUTES – Review and Board approval; Dick made a motion to accept the minutes with corrections, Gary seconded the motion. Vote: all -ayes, motion passed.

 SHORT TERM RENTALS – Short Term Rental Property, Committee Report – Denise Anderson brought a Moratorium and Resolution created by the Committee to discuss with the board and request a vote.  Discussion by the Town Board followed.  A motion was made by Jan Keough to accept the Moratorium and Resolution #1. A second was made Gary Mantay.  The Vote: Dick Dillon – aye, Gary Mantay – aye, Jan Keough – aye.  Motion passed.  Clerk to send a letter to St. Louis Co. informing them of these actions.

DECEMBER 2022 PAYROLL AND CLAIMS – After review, Gary made a motion to accept this payroll and claims list. Jan seconded the motion. Vote: Jan – aye, Gary -aye, Dick – aye.  Motion passed.


TRANSFER – Donna reported the ARPA Transfer amount of $1378.10

for checks #8503 – #8512.   EFTs / PERA – $54.00_, IRS 4Q – $827.44.   Leaves balance of $300.00 in checking account.

TREASURER COMMENTS – Donna had no additional comments.

CLERK COMMENTS – March Election update: Jan. 17th, 2023 at 5 pm (today) is the last day for candidates to apply for Township Supervisor. Election is March 14th.  Postings were hung, and notices will be posted in the North Star E-Newsletter. North Star Town Hall is the approved place for up-coming election.  We will not be using the DS200 for the local election as we are under 500 residents.  Mary provided a list of election judges that were available to chose from for the election which was accepted by the board for upcoming election. Motion to accept by Gary, 2nd by Dick. Vote: all ayes.  

CORRESPONDENCESt. Louis County Sheriff sent inquiry regarding a visit by Deputy to Board Meeting(s).  Discussion by board showed no interest at this time, to be tabled and revisited as needed.  Gary will mention this to the fire department.

Department of Health – Information sent regarding the THC (Canabis derivative) sales. None in North Star Township.  Also, a poster was included about the health benefits/risks.

RECYCLING – Jan stated 2022 Report for WLSSD is due on February 28, 2023.  Donna is preparing this yearly list of disbursements.    

WEBPAGE/COMMUNICATIONS REPORT – Jan stated there is a E-news letter for January.

FIRE DEPARTMENT – Rory/Gary – 2 calls in the last month. There are 1.5 years remaining to spend ARPA Funds for FD equipment needed for firefighters.  

MAINTENANCE – Dick stated the request for snow shovel and floor mat are complete.  Also, Dick and Gary checked on the Generac generator. There was an issue with oil pressure.

NEW BUSINESS – The Township needs to push back large snowbank in our parking area. Dick made a motion to hire someone with a piece of heavy equipment, such as a dozer, to take care of this.  Discussion followed.  Gary seconded the motion. Vote: Jan – aye, Gary – aye, Dick – aye. Motion passed. 

ROADS – Gary reported that the roads are in poor condition, ice and snow covered. Very slippery.

REVIEW OF DUTIES – Gary or Donna will check with Bob Anderson, or Tony Thomas to see if either would have the time/equipment to move large banks back in parking area.

Clerk to send letter to SLC regarding Short Term Rentals.  Donna to work with Jan regarding WLSSD report.


January 24, 2023 Financial Records Audit at 6:30 p.m.

February 13, 2024 Budget Meeting at 6:30 p.m.

February 21, 2023 Next Regular Board Meeting at 6:30 p.m.

March 14, 2023 Annual Township Election 5:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.

And Annual Town Meeting after Election at 8:15 p.m.

March 21, 2023 Town Re-Organizational Mtg and Town Board Mtg to follow at 6:30 p.m.

To Be Determined – Well water testing at hall with Bruce Olsen

ADJOURNMENT – A motion was made by Gary and seconded by Jan to adjourn the meeting at 7:30 pm. All ayes.

Minutes respectfully submitted,

Mary Hellman, Clerk

December 2022 Board Meeting Minutes


12/20/2022 at 6:30 pm, North Star Hall              


ATTENDING – Supervisors Dick Dillon, Gary Mantay, Janet Keough, Deputy Treasurer Ray Barnes, Clerk Mary Hellman, and FD Chief Rory Blazevic. Absent: Treasurer Donna Elsbury

NOVEMBER MINUTES REVIEW AND APPROVAL – Motion to accept by Jan, second by Gary. Vote: All ayes. 


REVIEW AND APROVE NOVEMBER 2022 PAYROLL AND CLAIMS –Motion by Gary to accept payroll and claims.  Second by Dick. Vote: Gary – aye, Dick -aye. Jan – aye.


Transfer – Ray reported the Transfer amount of  $1347.83 for checks #8488 – 8502,      EFT PERA AMOUNT OF $_54.00_,  and Checkbook balance – $300.00.

TREASURER COMMENTS – Donna left message with Mary to ask about a credit statement from MacQueen Emergency Billing.  Rory and Ray both responded it can be a credit back into that account. Mary to let Donna know.

CLERK COMMENTS – Mary reported a request to have a shovel by the Hall door and a mat on the floor in the entrance.  A discussion resulted in Rory offering to bring an extra mat from the Fire Hall to use in the entrance and Dick made a motion to purchase a shovel to be kept by the door. Gary seconded this motion. Vote: Jan – aye, Dick – aye, Gary -aye.  Rory brought the mat in and put it in place at the meeting.  Mary will buy the shovel.

CORRESPONDENCEA notice was sent to all townships from MAT that there will be $2000 Scholarships made available to HS Juniors in 2023. More information will be available in the January North Star E-newsletter per Jan.

FIRE DEPARTMENT – Rory reported no calls this month.  The FD held 2023 Elections for officers at the November 16th Meeting.  The elected officers stayed the same, with Rory as Fire Chief. The Town Board accepted the election results with a vote of all ayes.  Rory will be checking on which FD members need fire gear/equipment because there are ARPA funds designated for this. The next FD Meeting will be on December 21, 2022.

MAINTENANCE –The hall generator did not come on during a power shortage; Dick will look into it.  The FD was asked if they would shovel snow around the generator. Jimmy T. was also asked if he could occasionally shovel around the generator. Gary made a motion to increase the amount for plowing out the FD/Hall to $75/ per time, Dick seconded. Vote: Gary – aye, Dick – aye, Jan – aye.  The 2022-2023 Contract needs to be updated with the new details.

RECYCLING – Jan attended the WLSSD meeting. She requested the Recycling Financial Report from the treasurer. The Deadline is the end of February. All is going fine.

WEBPAGE / E-NEWS COMMUNICATIONS REPORT – Jan stated that the e-Newsletter will be sent out in January.

ROADS – Gary reported that the township road was graded.  The township received a note from the county that the township road needed brushing per the contract.  Gary checked the road and reported it was recently brushed.  He’ll call Kelly at the county clear this up.

WEEDS Report – Jan asked if the Weed Inspector Annual Report is done and sent in.  Yes, the report was completed by Tim on November 5th, signed, and sent into the county.

See report included.


SHORT TERM RENTALS – No members of the North Star Short Term Rentals Committee attended the meeting so the topic was tabled until later.  They will have info for the Board at the next meeting.

WELL WATER TESTING – Bruce Olsen did not attend this meeting so the topic was tabled until later.

REVIEW OF DUTIES – Mary to check with Donna on the deadline for using ARPA funds. Jan requested the Recycling Financial Report from Donna by the end of February.


TOWN BOARD REGULAR MTG – Tuesday, January 17, 2023 at 6:30 p.m.

TOWN AUDIT MTG – Tuesday, January 24th, 2023 at 6:30 p.m.

TOWN BUDGET MTG – Monday, February 13th 2023, at 6:30 p.m.

TOWN BOARD REGULAR MTG – February 21st, 2023 at 6:30 p.m.

TOWNSHIP ELECTION –March 14th from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. 



ADJOURNMENT – There was a motion to adjourn the board meeting at 7:40pm by Jan, seconded by Gary. All ayes.

Minutes respectfully submitted,

Mary Hellman, Clerk

November 2022 Board Meeting Minutes




ATTENDING – Supervisors Dick Dillon, Gary Mantay, Janet Keough, Treasurer Donna Elsbury, Deputy Treasurer Ray Barnes, Clerk Mary Hellman, and FD Asst. Chief Gary Mantay.  Guests: Sue Forbragd, Denise Anderson, Bruce Olsen 

October 2022 MINUTES REVIEW AND APPROVAL – Motion to accept with corrections by Jan, second by Gary.  Vote: All ayes.   

REVIEW AND APROVE OCTOBER 2022 PAYROLL AND CLAIMS –Motion by Jan to accept payroll and claims.  Second by Gary. Vote: Jan – aye, Gary – aye. Dick – aye.


Transfer – Donna reported the Transfer amount of $18,337.61 for checks  #8467 – #8486.  PERA AMOUNT OF $_54.00_, and checkbook balance – $300.00.



  • Checked the payment amount of $12,743.00 for the fire truck and it was correct. This is reflected in the transfer.


  • Clerk reports She and Donna attended the training offered by MATT on Nov. 2nd, 2022 at Ellsburg Town Hall (Melrude), regarding End of Year procedures for clerks and treasurers. They found it very valuable and will be able to use the information presented at the meeting.
  • The clerk thanked Donna and Jan for providing lunch and treats for the election judges during the recent election. It helped make the long day go very well!

CORRESPONDENCE – Bruce Olson arrived somewhat late to the meeting but will return to December’s board meeting to review results from this year’s Well Water Testing. Would like to discuss doing another testing in 2023.

FIRE DEPARTMENT – Gary reported there was one medical call this month.


  • Dick reported the door stop has been replaced.
  • Mosquito Squad – The Board discussed the use of a mosquito control at the Hall in 2023.   Donna would need to submit payment this month to lock in the price. A motion was made by Jan to continue to retain the Mosquito Squad’s services the coming year (4 treatment pkg). Gary seconded. Vote: Jan, Gary ayes, Dick – nay. The motion passed.

RECYCLING – Jan reported there is nothing new, all is going well.

WEBPAGE / E-NEWS COMMUNICATIONS REPORT – Jan reported an e-Newsletter went out. She will check to see how many people are receiving the e-News. Also, the Website Domain and plugins were updated in a timely manner. 

ROADS – Gary reported that the township roads are snow covered and slippery.

NEW BUSINESS – Sue Forbragd, an election judge, wanted to let the board know that a gentlemen came into vote at the recent election who uses a wheelchair. He had no problems but she was concerned.  She was wondering if it would be helpful if the hall entrance door would have cracks filled for safety.  The board felt that this would be a good thing, along with a sign stating there is access through the front fire door and “If Assistance Is Needed Please Knock.”


SHORT TERM RENTALS (STR) – Denise represented the Citizen’s Committee and presented a report for the board regarding what they found out regarding STR.  There will be a vote by the board in December on a Moratorium to cease any new STRs starting in North Star Township for one year.

REVIEW OF DUTIES – Gary will call the Mosquito Squad to say our board approved their offer. They need to start the treatments the week of MAY 22nd before the weekend of Memorial Weekend so it’s done in time for the Pancake Breakfast event. Donna will cut a check for this.



ADJOURNMENT – There was a motion to adjourn the board meeting at 7:45 pm by Jan, seconded by Gary. All ayes.

Minutes respectfully submitted,

Mary Hellman, Clerk