2023 June Board Meeting

TOWN OF NORTH STAR       06/20/2023


ATTENDANCE: Supervisors: Jan Keough, Dick Dillon Gary Mantay. Treasurer Donna Elsbury, Clerk Jenae Pitoscia, Deputy Clerk Mary Hellman, Deputy Treasurer Ray Barnes, Mike and Caroline Siers.

MAY 2023 MINUTES – Updates made per feedback. Updated minutes provided. Dick: Motion to approve May minutes based on corrections. 2nd: Gary. Jan: Aye, Gary: Aye, Dick: Aye. Motion approved.


TRANSFER –Transfer amount $6241.65. Check numbers 8575-8590. PERA $54.00. 2nd Quarter IRS $796.88 Gary made motion accept transfer of funds. Dick 2nd. Jan: Aye, Gary: Aye, Dick: Aye. Motion approved.

June 2023 Payroll Claims:  Dick made motion to accept. Gary 2nd. Jan: Aye, Gary: Aye, Dick: Aye. Motion approved.

TRESURER COMMENTS: Donna: Check from DNR should be deposited to fire EMS. Check was for fire in gravel pit.

Certificate of Appointment for Deputy Town Clerk: Donna filled out form and Mary will need to sign off on.

The Board and Treasurer discussed the employee notices of employee pay rate to be given to employees once a year or whenever the pay rate changes.  This is required for staff, but not for elected officials (Board Members).  Treasurer would fill out a form for each employee (see guidance from MAT).  Treasurer Donna will contact MAT to find out if monthly earnings statements to staff are required as well.

Dick questioned process of determining how township will determine fair pay for supervisors in emergency situation. In emergency (very short notice) situations, the supervisors must quickly determine the cost of each service and estimate the cost and timeliness of bringing in an outside service provider.  Supervisors would be paid at or below standard contracted person per MAT (Minnesota Association of Townships). Annual resolution will allow for supervisors to step in, in these emergency situations.  Donna will develop the annual resolution and will develop a generic invoice form that can be used for multiple types of emergency services.

Final Town Levy: Forms reviewed and submitted in the past by Linda Britton. Clerk should be sending this in to county. County has not sent this form as of yet. No request from county that we need to send in. Donna to contact county on what is required for this process.

Payment for Jim Taft (plowing service) was covered from 11/2022 to April 2023. Need to have invoices sent monthly for plowing service to avoid issues in the future. Form will be provided.

Recycling Building has been added to insurance.

CLERK COMMENTS / CORRESPONDANCE- Mary/Jenae: Mary created a contract for lawn mowing services. This will be filed and saved for future use. These contacts will also be utilized for plowing, mowing grading etc. and kept on file.

SHORT TERM RENTAL PROPERTY: An information exchange forum has been set up with county Interim Director of Planning on Friday June 23rd 2023. This is informational only. Denise will be in attendance. Mary will take minutes. This will be an opportunity to learn about how the county permits, manages and enforces short term rentals, and discuss how a possible township ordinance on STRs would interact with county programs.

Updated document on STR (Short Term Rental) has been sent by Denise to Township Board. Committee requested to know if there are any further questions in regard to updated document. Does an STR (Short Term Rental) get classified as a homestead? Answer: No. Policy in regards to residential zoning areas. Has this been reviewed? This needs to be further researched.

Public forum on STR (Short Term Rental) will be scheduled after county meeting. This will also be available online for comments as well. 1-year moratorium is in effect in township in relation to STR’s (Short Term Rental). This will be put on ENews. informational postings and on website to share information with the public.

The Clerk was asked to contact MAT and our MATIT insurance agent to determine with MAT (Minnesota Association of Townships) if township insurance policy cover denial of a STR (Short Term Rental) permit. This will also be brought to county meeting as well.

RECYCLING: Jan: Grant has not yet been received as of yet. Recycling event went well. WLSSD individuals were at the town hall last Saturday to collect electronics and information on recycling plastic.

WEBPAGE/COMMUNIATIONS REPORT: Jan: Daisey Wallace has fixed the website issues. Cost was $50.

FIRE – Rory/Gary: 2 calls since last meeting. Brush fire in gravel pit on Pequaywan Lake Rd. DNR on site. Burned for several days but was contained. Another call on Barrs Lake Rd.

PERA retirement to be potentially increased without additional cost to township. Safe amount per person would be $800.00. Leaves township at 112% funded. Require a board approval for that amount. Will be sharing information with board members to see change. Would not take effect until first of the year. This would not be retroactive. This does not impact levy. Motion by Dick to accept the $800.00 increase to PERA. 2nd Jan. Jan: Aye, Gary: Aye, Dick: Aye. Motion approved.

Turn out gear has been ordered. 3 sets total

Pancake breakfast made $1325.00 profit. 122 people in attendance

MAINTENACE: Dick: Still working on estimates for sealing of blacktop as well as crack filler by door.

ROADS: Gary: Midsummer grading on first section of road is a potential depending on how road holds up



REVIEW OF DUTIES: Mary to contact MAT on insurance. Public forum to be scheduled by Jan. Donna to contact county on levy documentation. Donna to prepare employee payroll documents.


JULY 18th next meeting

ADJOURNMENT: Motion to adjourn 7:31 PM Dick. 2nd Gary. Jan: Aye, Gary: Aye, Dick: Aye. Motion approved.